URL details: ankit2788.github.io/2019/09/21/Rising-from-the-Ashes/

URL title: Rising from the Ashes? | Think Again
URL description: Something extraordinary happened on 20 Sept 2019, the Friday. Just remember this date. Rewind back exactly 1 year ago. 21 Sept 2018, Friday, again something extraordinary happened, The Flash Crash of 2018. This specific date doesn’t define calmness, atleast in Indian markets. If last year was a surprise crash, this time it was a surprise uprising. Indian Benchmark Index, NSE:NIFTY50, shot up by more than 5%. This was a day people usually dont imagine or never prepare for. In mathematical terminology, it is
URL keywords: data, Finance, Fractals, RL, anks, mathematics, markets, india
URL last crawled: 2023-01-07
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