URL details: www.safe-mail.net/

URL title: Safe-mail.net
URL description: Safe-mail is a FREE high security web-based e-mail system which extends considerably the email system to much more than currently exists. Safe-mail uses an SSL secure site to ensure total security for all e-mail communications including file attachments and real time chat facility. Safe-mail is FREE to individuals and there is no SPAM. There is no installation process and no software to download or configure on your computer. No cookies are sent down the line to pollute your machine. Use any computer equipp
URL keywords: email, e-mail, free, secure, security, Message Board, authentication, privacy, web based, safe, safe mail, safe email, Address B
URL last crawled: 2022-05-24
URL speed: 0.393 MB/s, downloaded in 0.030 seconds

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