URL details: xavierdilipkumar.com/post/oes-not-have-authorization-to-perform-action-microsoft-management-managementgroups-read-over-scope-providers-microsoft-management-managementgroups-xdk-organisation-root-or-the-scope-is-invalid#comment

URL title: DevOps Technology Blog | does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/read'
URL description: DevOps Technology Blog - Azure - AWS - Traditional | DevOps | Administration | Cloud Compute - Exception: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AzManagementGroup -GroupName XDK_Organisation_Root Get-AzM
URL keywords: Cost Management + Billing, Management groups
URL last crawled: 2022-09-13
URL speed: 0.254 MB/s, downloaded in 0.800 seconds

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