URL details: www.polyakov.dev/about/

URL title: About me :: Val Polyakov — devops
URL description: Linux engineer since 1999. Currently reside in Cleveland, OH Currently reside in Fort Lee, NJ Currently reside in New York, NY Currently reside in San Francisco, CA Currently reside in Chicago, IL My skills include (NOT a complete list): Linux Terraform Ansible bash Python Golang AWS GCP Docker Kubernetes Prometheus Grafana Gitlab Jenkins Artifactory I can: design and build your CI / CD pipeline from scratch, or modify your existing setup: perhaps it needs an upgrade, a migration, or a total re-think?
URL keywords: devops, val, polyakov, val polyakov, linux, unix, golang, python, aws, gcp
URL last crawled: 2023-01-08
URL speed: 765.000 MB/s, downloaded in 0.001 seconds

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About me