URL details: www.smartcustody.com/2019-01-30-Wrapping-up-our-First-SmartCustody-Workshop/#_navigation

URL title: Wrapping up our First #SmartCustody Workshop | Smart Custody
URL description: Our first #SmartCustody workshop, on Simple Cold Storage & Self-Custody was held on Tue, January 29, 2019, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST, in Mountain View, California. This workshop was designed for individual holders of digital assets, in particular cryptocurrency traders and those high net-worth individuals who are already familiar & working with digital assets, but were seeking to learn best practices for protecting themselves and their business from theft, fraud, or loss. We asked them the questions: Are you c
URL keywords: smart, custody, digital, assets, smartcontract, smartcontracts, care, maintenance, protection, control, bitcoin, ethereum
URL last crawled: 2022-07-04
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