URL details: www.chris-eisenbraun.com/artwork/CE031477814/Art-blog-p1_This-Is-Not-A-Pipe.html

URL title: The Drawing Board Blog | "Yes. No. (Ceci n'est pas une pipe.)" | PAGE 1
URL description: This work of art was born in an EXTREMELY panicked moment: the juxtaposition of an imminent and VERY inflexible scheduled start time for a new work of Art AND..., NOT being ready for said moment in ANY way whatsoever. AND..., the subconscious that came to the rescue with a insanely packed concoction of symbols ALREADY on the brink of over complication, delivered into the hands of an artist who ALWAYS adds layers to the composition as the pencil travels across the paper... Super Dooper Fun Surreal ART Stuff
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