URL details: vladikk.com/2020/04/09/untangling-microservices/

URL title: Untangling Microservices, or Balancing Complexity in Distributed Systems
URL description: The microservices honeymoon period is over. Uber is refactoring thousands of microservices into a more manageable solution [1]; Kelsey Hightower is predicting monoliths are the future [2]; and even Sam Newman is declaring that microservices should never be the default choice, but rather a last resort [3]. What’s going on here? Why have so many projects become unmaintainable, despite microservices’ promise of simplicity and flexibility? Or are monoliths better, after all? In this post, I want to address
URL keywords: microservices, nanoservices, bbom, monolith, distributed systems, antipattern, anti-pattern, software architecture, design patte
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