URL details: www.principedellenevi.com/wine-tunnel

URL title: The wine tunnel / Restaurants & Bars - Principe delle nevi
URL description: Famous for its bewildering diversity of both grape varieties and wine styles, Italy is home to some of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world, producing wine as far back as the 2nd Century B.C.  Italy is also the world’s largest wine producer by volume. Our grapes grow in almost every region of the country; there are 1,700,000 acres of vineyards under cultivation, 350 official grape varieties and 20 administrative regions. Each region has its own flagship wine styles. Our wine
URL keywords: hotel, principe, nevi, snow, prince, italy, cervinia, exclusive, suites, ski, snowboard, pool, jacuzi
URL last crawled: 2022-06-27
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The Wine Tunnel