URL details: cabrer.cat/content/hist%C3%B2ric-26min-video-pablo-casals-exiled-prada-1939-1942-jsbach-suite-n1-abbey-sant-miquel

URL title: Històric 26min video of Pablo Casals' exiled in Prada 1939-1942 - J.S.Bach Suite n.1 in the Abbey of Sant-Miquel-de-Cutxà | Fer
URL paragraphs: Vídeo històric 26minuts de Pau Casals exiliat a Prada 1939-1942 - J.S.Bach Suite n.1 a Sant Miquel Cuixà Prada de Conflent, C from Ferran Cabrer i Vilagut on Vimeo . ((*)) Pau Casals settled in the French village of Prades, on the Spanish frontier; betw
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