URL details: www.dogoodeverywhere.org/post/earth-hour-what-you-need-to-know

URL title: Meet Kennedy Odede, CEO of SHOFCO
URL description: I had the unique opportunity to speak to Kennedy Odede, co-founder and CEO of the grassroots organization Shining Hope for Communities, or SHOFCO. Odede was born and raised in the Kenyan slums. He was inspired by the writings of Dr. Martin Luther King and aspired to use his nonviolent methodology to unite and uplift his community. Odede later received his undergraduate degree at Wesleyan University, making him the first to graduate from an American liberal arts institution from Kibera. Odede fou
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Click here to read my conversation with Kennedy Odede, CEO of SH...
Click here to read my conversation with Kennedy Odede, CEO of SH...