URL details: www.kosherdelight.com/SpainSynagoguesMelilla.htm

URL title: SYNAGOUGES AND JEWISH COMMUNITY OF MELILLA, SPAIN בתי כנסת והקהילה היהודית במלילה (מלייה), ספרד
URL description: KosherDelight provides information on kosher restaurants, kosher hotels, kosher shops, Kosher recipes, Kosher updates, Synagogues, JCCs, youth organizations and more. KosherDelight Judaica store sells Tefillin, Talit, Shofar, Shabbat and holiday products, Mezuza, Torah, Rimonim, Jewish art, and more.
URL keywords: bakery, Bar mitsvah, Bar mitzvahs, beth, Blessing, Blessing for the girls, camps, candle Sticks, chabad, Charity Boxe, Clips, Co
URL last crawled: 2022-06-23
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