URL details: www.lobsterattack.com/

URL title: LobsterAttack - Tom Giordano, Web Developer
URL description: LobsterAttack.com holds the portfolio, resume, photography, animations, games, software, and biography of Tom Giordano, a web developer who can code HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Flash ActionScript. I can create standards compliant websites, and I can employ techniques for backwards compatibility and graceful degradation on legacy systems and software. I can do design, wireframes, interaction design, slicing, and image optimization in Photoshop.
URL keywords: Thomas John Giordano, Tom, LobsterAttack, lobster, web developer, html, xhtml, css, javascript, php, mysql, actionscript, standa
URL last crawled: 2023-01-09
URL speed: 0.262 MB/s, downloaded in 0.090 seconds

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my web development portfolio website