URL details: dalelornajacobsen.com/dales_books__writing/teutoburg_to_witta

URL title: Dale Lorna Jacobsen - Teutoburg to WittaFREE POSTAGE TILL XMAS EVE - ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA
URL description: Drawing on information sourced for the three highly successful Wittafest events held in 2015, 2016 and 2018, Witta archaeologist, museum expert and anthropologist, Steve Chaddock, and Curramore writer, Dale Jacobsen, teamed up to record the history in prin
URL keywords: Writing and editing, Dale Lorna Jacobsen, Teutoburg to WittaFREE POSTAGE TILL XMAS EVE - ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA, Maleny, Queensla
URL last crawled: 2023-01-10
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