wildfrogmorocco.com domain details, Morocco - Wild Frog Photography

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Description: Made it, After coming off a ship from Antarctica and having our trip to Morocco stopped in March 2020 due to Covid and again in 2021. 2022 there was hope, flights into Morocco began on Feb 7th, and we where on our way in March. Open Doors Morocco had kept our trip on hold. Great Company. The guide/driver we had, was outstanding, thanks Habib. It was nice not to drive for a change and taken to places we would not have found by ourselves. 19 days in Morocco stating in Casablanca including Rabat, Chefchaouen,

Morocco; Landscapes; People; open doors morocco; travel; North Africa; Casablana; Rabat; Chefchaouen; Fes; Meknes; Medelt; Merzo

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Morocco - Wild Frog Photography

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